mennessä Julkaisija | loka 18, 2015 | Ajankohtaista, BusinessIT
Sometimes, especially when you are thinking of migrating Microsoft Exchange, you would like to get a basic idea of what versions of Outlook are in use. Well, in back in Exchange 2007 you would just execute a simple PowerShell command: Get-MailboxServer |...
mennessä Julkaisija | syys 14, 2015 | Ajankohtaista, BusinessIT
One of the tools used in IT that die hard is Cisco VPN Client. Yes, we are talking the old IPSEC client. It’s still very popular although Cisco Systems has announced it to be EOL (End of Life). So one of the big questions while starting to work with our Windows...
mennessä Julkaisija | elo 31, 2015 | Ajankohtaista, BusinessIT
Just another day I bumped into a problem with my old machine I’m using as a media player. I wanted to install Windows 8.1 to it. But it has an older Radeon card, a X1300. Windows 8.1 comes with integrated drivers from Microsoft that can handle the basic desktop...
mennessä Julkaisija | elo 31, 2015 | Ajankohtaista, BusinessIT
Microsoft released Windows 10 couple of weeks ago on 29th of July 2015. Some of our customers have been asking the question: ”Since it’s free, should I update?” We tested the new operating system and decided to give you some hints what to expect....
mennessä Julkaisija | elo 12, 2015 | Ajankohtaista, Tiedotteet
Alkaen 2015/08/22 08:00 EEST tiloissamme on sähkökatko. Katko johtuu alueen muuntamohuoltotöistä. Suurimmalle osaa palveluistamme on saatavilla varavirtaa, mutta joissain palveluissa voi olla katkoksia. PÄIVITYS: Sähkökatko on ohi ja toiminta on...
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